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Work together to forge prosperity together Zhenjiang held the 2020 Annual Excellent Supplier Commendation Conference


In the afternoon of January 16, Zhenjiang's 2020 Excellent Supplier Commendation Conference was held in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, with Chairman Hu Zhen, General Manager Liu Haotang and Deputy General Manager Zhu Xiaoqiu attending the ceremony. Representatives of five excellent suppliers gathered together to discuss cooperation and friendship, discuss development plans and draw a bright future together.

Zhenjiang evaluation committee based on procurement share, bidding performance, delivery efficiency, qualification rate and other factors, and finally selected five excellent suppliers in 2020 among more than 200 suppliers, respectively: Haihong Elder (China) Management Co. Ltd. (This ranking is in no particular order)

  Chairman Hu Zhen extended his most sincere congratulations to the representatives of suppliers. He said that 2020 was an extraordinary year, in the face of the impact of the epidemic and the severe global economic situation, we all worked together and cooperated, and successfully passed the difficult time of stable production and growth, behind which we could not do without the full support of our supplier partners, for which we are deeply grateful! We hope that in the future, we will continue to go hand in hand, share brotherly love and seek new development together!

At the meeting, Mr. Xu Gongjian, the director of the procurement department, made a report on the procurement work in 2020 from four aspects: general overview, main performance, supply chain management, goals and improvement, and introduced the new direction and new ideas for the work in 2021.

Liu Haotang said that 2021 is the opening year of "13th Five-Year Plan" and "14th Five-Year Plan", and Zhenjiang and suppliers will work together more closely and make efforts to move forward in the new development stage with new development concept, new development pattern and higher quality. To face the development and demand, share the growth of the market dividends, and create a more brilliant tomorrow!
